What is the Enneagram?In recent decades the Enneagram has exercised its influence over millions of people throughout the world. Many people see in it a helpful tool to understand themselves and their fellow human beings in new and deeper ways. You could describe the Enneagram as a very useful map for orientation in the landscape both of the soul and of human relationships.Derived from the Greek “ennea” (nine), the Enneagram describes nine modes of perception and behaviour which differ clearly from each another. Every person tends more to one particular mode, although we of course have certain traits from all modes. The characteristics of each mode can be understood as meaningful answers to early experiences. In the course of time they have developed into strategies which continue to influence our behaviour and action.The characteristic Enneagram symbol consists of nine points ordered around a circle and connected to each other by nine lines according to a particular pattern. The points represent the nine basic types each with their different fundamental motivations, personality styles and action strategies. According to which type people belong to, they act, think and feel differently. Understanding this about oneself makes life with others and with oneself easier.The Enneagram can be an effective tool- in understanding oneself more thoroughly and in embarking on a path of development;- in enhancing relationships with our partners and in fostering mutual development;- in managing group and team dynamics and in resolving conflict.The Enneagram App contains the following sections:9 TYPES- What am I?
An interactive orientation assistant to help determine one’s own type.- Types 1-9
Descriptions of the nine types with information about self-image, talents, outward effects and possibilities for development. Description of typical behavioural patterns, conflicts, ways to find solutions, plus tips regarding stress and growth points.- Improve your Relationship
Tips for respectful interaction between two types. When you have determined your type with the interactive orientation assistant “What am I?”, you can learn about how your type interacts with other types and gather information about possible conflict and no-go areas.ENNEAGRAM- What is the Enneagram?- How can the Enneagram help me?- The three Energy Centres: Gut, Heart, Head- GlossaryÖAE (ECUMENICAL ENNEAGRAM ASSOCIATION)- Information about the Ecumenical Enneagram Association- Courses to become a certified Enneagram trainer according to ÖAE e.V.Responsible for the content according to §55, Section 2, RStV: Peter Maurer, Chair ÖAE e.V.Credits:Author: Dr. Alexander PfabTranslation: John NewsomeConception, design and editorial work: DOCK 43Coding: Sebastian Drießen, Jörg JungComics: Tiki Küstenmacher